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“WOKE a consciousness of the world around you…” …recognizing it in all its iterations and embracing it as an agent of progressive change.


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Musings about my art and this world

The collapse of a wave function has left me and you here. From shapes with edges. Creating forms. To the edges becoming lines. Creating forms. To lines of energy. Creating forms. And strands of DNA. Creating forms. Then the vibration of Strings. Creating forms. A journey to understanding seems to be what life and art are all about. The collapse of a wave function has left me and you here. Here in this one Chaotic metaverse of unknown numbers we vie for needs and desires. Creating forms of living and beliefs that compete. Art. Life. Always changing. What if Heaven is another Metaverse. And Hell another. Why not?  What if the Heaven metaverse is paradise. No wants. No desires. Total worship of a deity many here call God. Praising with no end. What if the Hell metaverse is horrid torture and mental anguish. Suffering with no end. The collapse of a wave function has left me and you here. Of course I am pleased I landed here on this ball of confusion rather than either of those. It suits me

COVID-19: What is our National Social Responsibility?

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Herd Mentality

First -- yes, get vaccinated -- but as the recent January/February 2021article in the the AARP Bulletin plainly states, "...the vaccine itself doesn't prevent you from getting the virus; it simply prepares your body to mount a vigorous defense so that if you do become infected, the resulting illness is far less likely to be life-threatening." The Covid-19 vaccines are not a cure. They do not protect you from getting or spreading the virus. Even when you get the vaccination you still may be infectious, "...because up to 10 percent of vaccinated individuals will not be protected from getting Covid-19 and because reinfection, while uncommon, can still occur". You can still spread the virus and infect people who are not vaccinated and possibly some who are -- and even get reinfected yourself. No. There is no going back to "normal". Even after vaccination we all must still wear a mask, social distance and stay apart from others whenever possible. Until 80 p